E/A Shocking Daggers Build
I was sitting here bored with my Elementalist because he sucked at pvp. Lightning spamming gets so dull! So, can't say for sure if its original but I came up with this.
Attributes -
10 Air Magic
10 Energy Storage
10 Dagger Mastery
5 Water Magic
(2 left over points)
Gear -
-I like Tempest armor for this build, the + armor while enchanted works great with AoD up.
-Whatever daggers work, max and req 10 or under.
-Any health rune
- +1 air rune + helm (you need the extra 75 health because youll be melee)
- +1 energy storage
- +1 Water Magic
Ice Prison (water)
Aura of Displacement (no attribute {e})
Shock (air)
Falling Spider (Dagger)
Lightning Touch (air)
Horns of the Ox (dagger)
Blinding Flash (air)
Windborne Speed (air)
-AoD could be replaced with Ride the Lighting for more damage, at the expense of no retreat and more exhaustion (the exhaustion from Shock is bad enough, use at your own risk)
-Replace Windborne speed for Shadow Refuge so you can self heal. I prefer windborne because you can increase you OR an ally's speed by 33% for 11 sec, with a short cool down. This can make AB capping and such much easier.
-Ice prison can be replaced with whatever you like, I use it for two reason, one, it slows them by 66% for 13 seconds, which helps greatly when starting the spike and people try to get away. Also, when someone has a water hex, Lightning touch does +37 more damage, so its useful.
-Twisting Fangs would be more useful then horns of the ox, but unfortunately Ele's can't boost Critical Strikes. But if you wanted a short Deep wounds effect (5 seconds) it could always be switched.
The idea behind this is pretty basic, high mobility and burst damage, with a larger energy pool then assassins. Cruise around the field with Windborne Speed until you find a worthy opponent, then cast Ice Prison on them to slow em up. Blinding Flash should be used on W/A/R for the damage reducer. Follow this with AoD and then Shock them and instantly follow up with Falling Spider. You should still have plenty of energy, so use Lightning touch for high damage and finish with Horns of the Ox which usually knocks them down, from there you can do anther falling spider (if its recharged). From there, if theyre still alive, just repeat until dead. Remove AoD whenever its needed and also after every battle to help with regen.
Hope this helps out any bored or stuck elementalists, leave some replies, constructive criticism is appreciated.
Thanks -- Kairn Bloodreaver